One day when I was around nine years old I gathered all of the art materials I could find and spilled them across the carpet of my bedroom. I laid across the floor measuring and coloring a model of the solar system for hours, attempting to emulate the complex design I had seen in books. I didn’t know why I was doing it at the time, except that it was the biggest unanswered mystery I was aware of and thus it felt critical that I begin to understand it.

As the years passed I traversed several paths of interest, some supportive and others unfulfilling. With my Saturn return came the realization that there was only one true motivation that has endured as a constant in my life and I found myself staring squarely back at the same profound mystery. That was the moment I committed myself to the study and art of ancient astrology.

I currently study amidst the year 3 cohort of Austin Coppock’s Fundamentals of Astrology program. I am also certified in Chris Brennan’s courses on the Introduction to Hellenistic Astrology and Electional Astrology.