Unlock the mysteries of your birth chart and all of the insights the planetary placements and aspects have to offer with a natal chart consultation. I will walk you through the patterns that were being spun the moment you were born, the gifts they offer and the optimal methods through which they can find expression.

When we align the current celestial movements in our sky against the backdrop of your unique birth chart it provides a detailed forecast for what topics, themes and dynamics will be coming into focus in the near future. This forecast will illuminate your current context and equip you with a vision of the future path the cosmos is guiding you to embrace.

This reading is meant to take place around your birthday and charts the year ahead from the perspective of your solar return chart. We will explore the topics and archetypes that will be seeking expression for your upcoming year. This consult also works great as a birthday gift!

In the grand tapestry of the hero's adventure, astrology emerges as a supernatural aid, illuminating the path ahead like a beacon amidst the darkness. Just as the hero embarks on a transformative journey filled with trials and revelations, astrology offers a symbolic roadmap and reveals to us the optimal way forward. Each heavenly body becomes a character in the hero's narrative, influencing the courses of action and shaping the unfolding story. From the fiery determination of Mars to the intuitive guidance of the Moon, astrology unveils the hero's strengths, weaknesses, and hidden potentials.

By understanding the planetary alignments and their significance, the hero gains insight into the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, empowering them to navigate the twists and turns of their quest with greater clarity and purpose. In this way, astrology becomes a powerful tool, a compass guiding the hero through the uncharted territories of their own psyche and destiny, towards the ultimate boon of self-discovery and fulfillment.